Konstantinovich - traducción al francés
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Konstantinovich - traducción al francés

Alexey Konstantinovich Skvortsov; A.K.Skvortsov; Alexei Konstantinovich Skvortsov
  • Alexey K. Skvortsov.

Konstantinovich, family name
Sergei Konstantinovich      
Sergei Konstantinovich, Russian astronaut (crew member on the space shuttle Endeavor during its flight to the international space station)


Alexey Skvortsov

Alexey Konstantinovich Skvortsov (Ru:Алексе́й Константи́нович Скворцо́в) (9 February 1920 – 8 May 2008) was a Soviet botanist and biologist, a specialist on amentiferous plants—willows (Salix), poplars (Populus), and birches (Betula) as well as plants of the evening primrose family (Onagraceae). A.K. Skvortsov was, at the same time, well known in Russia as an editor in Priroda (Nature) Magazine (1971–2005) and author of many articles on botany, evolutionary biology, and Darwinism.